Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why infertile patients need a second opinion from an IVF specialist !

Infertile patients get confused while exploring their treatment options. This is understandable because of the many choices available. When they are confused, most patients turn to their doctor for medical advice. Patients acknowledge that doctors don’t have all the answers and this is why they will often opt for a second opinion to confirm the reliability and suitability of the first doctor’s opinion. For example, when a patient with endometriosis goes to a gynecologist, she may be advised to do laparoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Such a patient may be understandably uncomfortable with the prospect of subjecting herself to surgery, thereby prompting her to seek a second opinion from another gynecologist. A similar opinion from a different gynecologist will convince her to do laparoscopy.

Consequently, most patients end up doing surgery; with the end result being reduced fertility. They will then complain that the gynecologist did a bad job; or even that he cheated them by doing unnecessary surgery !

This is especially true in patients with minor endometriosis , when the lesions are often a red herring which would not affect her fertility and could safely have been left alone. This is the biggest problem in going to two (or more) doctors of the same specialty for a second opinion. In most cases, they share the same opinion and they are likely to offer similar advice. The obvious outcome has been increased patient complaints. This is why you should seek a second opinion from an IVF different specialist, because that way you will get varied opinions.

If you gynecologists gets angry because a patient asks for a second opinion or questions him , this means he not totally sure of what he is doing and in such a case the patient should look for a doctor that she will be more comfortable with !

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